What to look for in a content management system ?

Content Management System (CMS) is today one of the most powerful internet tools in the market. It is possibly a valuable choice made by many developers in view of the fact that it helps in building websites easier and faster.

Anyone ignorant will perceive CMS as merely a tool that helps to create, edit, and store HTML content in a manageable way. But, as a matter of fact that is not all it takes to choose the right CMS software. The most suitable features of any CMS will depend on your budgets and other technical aspects as well.

Rather than comparing products in the market, simply write down a list of your requirements and then find out who fits the bill. Also, you could read on below to get some insight on what attributes to look for when buying a CMS.

1. Functionality: functionality of a CMS does not primarily depend only on creating, editing, deleting and organizing content. There are other functionality aspects which might not appeal to you currently but they may meet your future needs.

2. Editor: a good CMS should be endowed with the key benefit of easy uploading and editing of site content. Make sure to include in your list of requirements an editor that is also capable of handling external assets, including images and downloadable files.

3. Management: opt for a CMS that can provide you with basic editing tools such as cropping, resizing and rotating. The software must allow content providers to add attributes to images. In addition, consider how the content management system deals with uploading and attaching PDFs, Word documents and other files.

4. Flexibility: any CMS should offer you immense flexibility whether it is retrieval, processing or rendering. The CMS you choose should let you design pages the way you want and should work around your needs.

5. User community: it is likely that in future you may run into any kind of problems with the CMS. For that matter, ensure that there is a helpful user community around where you can turn to to get advice on how to fix the problem, etc.

Apart from the above mentioned factors it is highly important that the CMS is user-friendly and accompanied with thorough documentation. It should provide information on everything from basic use of the CMS to customizations and advanced functionality.

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